Like a man entering a party, I noticed the hot "chicks" (i.e. dresses) first. When I did my first glance of the dresses, I immediately noticed the cute black party dresses, the sparkly dresses, and the very bright colored dresses. On my second spin through the sales dresses, I noticed the one before you, the Gardner's Choice dress. I thought "hrm...that dress is interesting, but it's not my thing," and I moved on.
After perusing all of the dresses multiple times, I found myself thinking back to the Gardner's Choice dress! I couldn't stop thinking about it! I started to notice how beautiful the fabric was, how the intricate detailing on the collar made it look vintage, how I had never seen a floral fabric like this one.
This dress was the interesting dress. The one you don't immediately notice but who takes your heart (and credit card) before you even realize what's going on!
Found on:
Made By: Leifsdottir
Price: $149.95 (originally $298.00)
God I LOVE Anthropologie